
The McGill Intergroup Cognition Lab is devoted to facilitating research in intergroup biases. Data and materials for all publications can be located in the Publications page. Below are some additional resources developed by the lab that can be used freely.

Brief Conversations about intergroup relations

Brief Conversations About Intergroup Relations is a series of 24 videos featuring leading researchers. Each video lasts approximately 15 minutes and covers a specific paper as well as each guest’s larger research program and the issues they hope the field of intergroup relations prioritizes in the coming years. Educators are free to use these videos for whatever purposes they’d like. See below for links to a short guide and where each video can be downloaded.

The Judgment Bias Task

The Judgment Bias Task is a flexible and reliable measure for assessing individual differences in social judgment. Here is the full paper detailing the method of the JBT (Axt, Nguyen & Nosek, 2018). Researchers interested in using the JBT may find the following resources to be helpful:

The Transgender IAT

Axt*, Conway*, Westgate & Buttrick, (2020) develops a measure of implicit attitudes toward transgender people. Researchers interested in using the measure described in the paper can download an Inquisit version of the task here.

Structural Equation Modelling and the IAT

Buttrick*, Axt*, Ebersole & Huband (2020) investigated the incremental predictive validity of the IAT using structural equation modelling. Researchers looking to extend this work or complete similar analyses on their own IAT data may want to use the following links:

Student theses and independent projects

Each year, several students in the lab complete honours theses or independent projects that report novel studies or analysis. This work is made available below to facilitate future research.